How to Post a Blog


Blogs have increasingly become a way for teachers and writers to post and share their ideas.  Using technology broadly and social media more specifically to enhance the classroom, to promote digital literacy, and to engage students to become active citizens seems not only like a good idea in the 21st century, but a necessary one.  As one of my students put it, “In short, social networks are already implicitly part of the educational system and when effectively integrated into the curriculum, [they] can help improve the cognitive development of students.”  They can also improve faculty’s teaching and scholarship.
Blogging is an easy way to share resources, research and scholarship, and lesson plans that are in progress or complete.  And this is one of the beauties of blogs, that it promotes sharing of ideas in this “real time,” of the moment kind.  This is not peer-reviewed journal writing.  This is you -- a professor, a scholar, a teacher -- working through an idea, or excited about an effective lesson plan, or curious about what your colleagues are doing abut plagiarism or how they are using technology in the classroom -- or any of the things we struggle with a educators almost on a daily basis.  Blogs allow us to post these ideas and get feedback on what we are doing in the classroom or in our academic work in real time.

Blogs are short-format writings addressed to a broad readership.   Blogs tend to be around 1,000 words or less, though they can be quite a bit longer (or quite a bit shorter).  Though blogs are complete pieces of writing, the goal is not necessarily to be the final, authoritative voice on the subject of the blog.  Blogs are conversations not lectures.  As you will see in our MCNY Teaching Community Blog, many of the blogs present resources for teaching and lesson plans that have been used in the classroom.  Often times the authors ask for feedback, or ask questions.  In this sense, blogs promote the Democractic classroom as the sharing of ideas and perspectives is encouraged.  And everyone is encouraged to contribute to the conversation.

The Blog format, then, works great if you are working on a lesson plan, or researching a new idea that you are presenting to a conference, or want to share your experience in the classroom or at a conference.  There’s a reader out there who wants to hear about it.  Though academics often strive for rigor and completeness, blogs encourage a different approach to sharing ideas.  Let me be clear:  this is not lazy scholarship.  This is sharing of ideas and lessons in a consumable way.

If you want to try blogging, but don’t want to maintain your own blog, then I encourage you to post to our MCNY Teaching Community Blog.  Furthermore, our MCNY Teaching Community Blog puts colleagues in conversation with each other, and there will be a built in audience here for your blog. 

Follow these easy steps and you will be blogging in no time.  Here’s how.

1.       Email to be added as an author from the email address you want to use.  Any faculty member, full time or adjunct, may post to the MCNY Teaching Community Blog.  We encourage voices from all of our community of teachers.

2.       Go to the email account from which you requested to be added as an author.  You will receive a message from Blogger. 

3.       Click on the link, “Accept Invitation”.   (About the required Google Account:  You can create a Google account with ANY email account.  I have a Google account connected to my MCNY email address.  So you don’t need to make a whole new email if your MCNY email is your primary email or simply the one you want to use to post to the blog)

4.       After Clicking on “Accept Invitation”, you will be directed to the MCNY Teaching Community Blog on Blogger.  Click on “SIGN IN.”

5.       From here, you will be directed to your Blogger page.  Any Blogs you keep (through will appear here.   

6.       To post your first Blog entry, click on the icon that looks like a white pencil or pen, the first icon to the right of our blog.  (Note:  the “New Blog” tab to the left of the MCNY Teaching Community Blog will lead you to create a whole new blog.  If you find yourself enjoying the blogging process, you can create and maintain our own blog.  But to post on the MCNY Teaching Community blog, click on the pencil icon.)

7.       Here you will be led to the Blog interface.  Filling in the blog is as simple as composing an email.  Enter the Title of your Post under “Post Title.”  Then cut and past the content of your blog into the body of the blog (the big giant rectangle).  Here, you may have to format your Blog entry.  Many times when cutting and pasting from Word, formatting may change.  So quickly scan through to ensure your post looks good. 

8.       Once you have entered the text of your blog, you can either “Publish,” “Save,” “Preview,” or “Close” your blog.  If you are not yet ready to publish and you want to save your blog as a draft, click “Save.”  If you are ready to Publish your Blog, click on “Publish.”  You can edit any of your blogs at a future date.
9.       If you want to edit or preview a blog entry, click on the “MCNY Teaching Community” blog.  Then run your mouse over the blog (see my “test” blog entry below), and a drop down menu will appear:  Edit  View  Share  Delete.”  From there, click on the button that represents what you want to do.
10.   Congratulations!  You have published your first Blog!  Thank you for joining our community of teachers and scholars.  We encourage your feedback and contributions.

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